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Lord Jaraxxus' Abilities
Incinerate Flesh Burns the flesh off your bones! Absorbs the next X healing received and decreases damage dealt by 50% for 12 sec. If Incinerate Flesh is not removed before it expires it will cause a Burning Inferno, dealing 2500 Fire damage per second for 5 seconds to all raid members. 40000
Nether Power Magical self-buff on Lord Jaraxxus. Increases magical damage dealt by 20% per stack, stacking up to X times. 5
Fel Fireball 2.5 sec cast on primary aggro target. Deals X fire damage, plus Y fire damage per second. Interruptable, and the debuff is magic-dispellable. 18500, 8000/sec
Fel Lightning Strikes an enemy with Legion Lightning, dealing X damage. Arcs to up to Y targets, increasing in damage with each jump. Prefers to target ranged. 10500 damage, 3 targets
Touch of Jaraxxus Deals 4000 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 12 sec. Nearby players are hit by Curse of the Nether, dealing 4000 Shadow/1 sec for 15 sec (Curse).
Legion Flame Deals X damage every sec for 6 sec. Also spawns green fire with each tick. Fire ticks for the same amount. 4000
Nether Portal Summons a Nether Portal. The portal deals X damage on spawning to players within 10yd, and spawns a Mistress of Pain after a few seconds. 8500
Infernal Eruption Spawns an Infernal Volcano. The Volcano will erupt three times, dealing 9500 Fire damage to players within 10yd and spawning a Felfire Infernal.