Смотрю сейчас трубладные фики, и прихожу даже не в ужас уже, в какое-то тоскливое уныние. Одно радует - обычно не надо читать сам фик, саммари вполне хватает.

An accident, an injury, a trust and an endless knowledge of a permanent and indestructible triangle of love and protectiveness. Eric/Pam/Godric
Как звучит-то, а? Песня просто.

You're Hadley Hale and what the hell does that mean?
Даже и не знаю, право слово.

Отдельная незабываемая тема - дорогие и нежно всеми любимые Мэри-Сью.
Charlie Night a very powerful witch is dragged to a vampire bar by her cousin. After a mishap leading to a few killings, she is now in debt to Eric Northman. Can her Irish wit and powers help her surive the trials ahead?
He wanted something challenging, maybe something fun. She was ready to give up and he came along and saved her when she didn't want to be saved. This was going to be challenging.
Sookie's sister Rozlyn comes to her after problems with her boyfriend. While staying in Bon Temps, a certain vampire falls for her. Does not go in order of the books or the show.
Godric was searching for someone to spend the rest of eternity with him. Juliana was simply searching for a lamb. This is the story of the girl who said no to one of the oldest vampires in the world.
A mystery girl alone in the woods, a pack of werewolves hot on her trail. The only thing to make the night more interesting would be an encounter with Eric Northman.
18 year old, Rachel's, first experience with vampires doesn't go exactly as planned and soon she's in over her head with love, lust, blood. Living with the infamous playboy Eric Northman, 2 months later, she wonders how she got in so deep.