Пытаясь не разменять - просто частично потратить - пятитысячную купюру с утра пораньше, чувствуешь себя, как минимум, прокаженным. И на весь район, похоже, один-единственный магазинчик с кошачьей нормальной жратвой. Здоровенный торговый центр, в котором два десятка кафе и сотня магазинов - не удосужился. Тот, который поменьше и у метро - тоже нет. На рынке - нет. В Ашане жуткая мерзость вроде Вискаса. Печаль.
читать дальшеCAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor); Maggie Stables (Evelyn Smythe); Roy Hudd (Max Miller); Doug Bradley (Professor Talbot); Chris Simmons (Albert Potter); Sally Ann Curran (Emily Bung); Martin Parsons (Billy)
SYNOPSIS: Brighton, Sussex; 1936
"Ere, listen listen, I've got one for you. There once was this bloke, you see. Good-looking sort of chap. Lovely, brightly coloured coat. No rubbish. Quality gear. Never bought a drink neither... or so they say. But his name wasn't Miller. Oh no, there'll never be another Cheeky Chappie, lady, there'll never be another. They broke the mould when they made me you know.
No, this bloke called himself the Doctor. Doctor who you ask? And may well you. Don't know me self. No one ever knew. Funny that. He was a real strange one. Odd things happened when he arrived.
Mind you, them were dark days. No one was laughing. And these were my people. My public. It was like playing first house at the Glasgow Empire. Just like the entire town was cursed it was. Cursed by something not of this world..."
Writer: Robert Ross Recorded: 21 and 22 September 2005 Director: Gary Russell Released: January 2006 Music: ERS No. of Discs: 2 Sound Design: ERS Duration Disc 1 (69' 04"); Disc 2 (58' 25") Cover Art: Stuart Manning Production Code: 7C/MA
CHRONOLOGICAL PLACEMENT: This story takes place between the television adventures, The Trial of a Time Lord and Time and the Rani.
Я люблю его как-то очень тихо, почти всегда, про себя, но иногда и меня пробивает на полюбоваться в открытую.
Он был.. ну, он был Доктором. Для меня он - мой Доктор, я необъективна тут, но все-таки - как можно не любить его? Не понимаю. пара картинок и гифок На эту мне никогда, наверное, не надоест смотреть.
Title:- Myth Makers Doctor Who Documentary - John Nathan-Turner (1989) Source: DVDRip читать дальше "I consider myself a hands on producer."
John Nathan-Turner was the longest running and probably the best known producer Doctor Who has seen. From the production of the last Tom Baker season in 1979 to Sylvester McCoy's third in 1989, John oversaw the most controversial period in the programme's history.
At locations used for The Curse of Fenric, John talks to Nicholas Briggs about his ten years as producer, his casting of three Doctors and puts the record straight about the reasons behind Doctor Who's cancellation.
Спасибо горячо и нежно любимым товарищам по команде. Вы сделали так много для того, чтобы все получилось, вы были прекрасны. Если бы одна, но пламенная страсть к нашему общему, одному на всех Майкрофту Холмсу не свела нас вместе - то какими бы скучными были бы мои вечера без вас. Кто бы еще так нежно выматывал мои нервы, кто бы поднимал настроение горячими баталиями в сообществе и жизнерадостным трепом в скайпе. Вы сделали мне не день - вы сделали мою весну.
Спасибо всем тем, кто взял на себя немалый труд пробиться через хитрые переплетения и нагромождения слов нашего перевода. Отдельная благодарность всем, кто после этого еще и нашел в себе силы написать отзыв - они все были очень интересными, мы благодарны за них. И да, теперь, когда все закончилось, мы были бы очень, очень признательны за указания на допущенные ошибки и имеющиеся недочеты. Совершенство недостижимо, но мы сделаем все, что можем. Обещаю.
Title:- Myth Makers Doctor Who Documentary - Colin Baker (1989) Source: DVDRip
читать дальше"Walks in the woods all on my own, interviewers who vanish and leave me alone, these are a few of my favourite things..."
COLIN BAKER is walking his dog and NICHOLAS BRIGGS is shopping when they are both teleported to a strangely familiar location by a mysterious alien force.
While on their adventure, COLIN talks to NICK about his long and varied career including his time as the sixth DOCTOR WHO, the truth behind the programme's cancellation and his eventual departure.
Take the opportunity to meet this charming and witty man as our story unfolds...
Title:- Myth Makers Doctor Who Documentary - Jon Pertwee (1989) Source: DVDRip читать дальше "There's nothing more alarming than coming home and finding a Yeti on your loo in Tooting Bec..."
Jon Pertwee was quite simply a star. From music hall, through theatre, radio in The Navy Lark, films, records and television, including Doctor Who and Worzel Gummidge, he entertained audiences worldwide for fifty years.
Recorded at Jon's home in 1989, this interview by Nicholas Briggs provides the most comprehensive visual biography of this talented and versatile actor ever recorded.
This is not a tribute... it's a unique personal testament.
читать дальшеCAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor); Nicola Bryant (Peri); Tony Beck (Chief Mate De Requin); Michael Cuckson (Captain Callany); Billy Miller (Nereus); Naomi Paxton (Amy)
SYNOPSIS: There's a ship out there, on the ocean.
She's called Lankester and, every year, she sails from Madagascar to New Orleans and back again. Every year. Without exception. Regular as clockwork.
Her schedule is never behind. Her cargo is always fresh.
This trip, she has passengers. The passengers have baggage.
And the baggage might just be enough to sink her...
Writer: Elliot Thorpe Recorded: 19 August 2005 Director: Gary Russell Released: Out Now Music: David Darlington No. of Discs: 1 Sound Design: David Darlington Duration 70' 38" Cover Art: Stuart Manning Production Code: BFPDWCD6WB
CHRONOLOGICAL PLACEMENT: This story takes place between the television adventures, Revelation of the Daleks and The Trial of a Time Lord.